Module 1: Money Matters - Redefining your relationship with money: Explore your beliefs, emotions, and behaviors related to money. Understand how your financial mindset impacts your life choices.

Module 2: What drives us? - 6 Basic Human Needs: Discover the fundamental needs that motivate human behavior, such as certainty, variety, significance, love/connection, growth, and contribution and how each of your behavior is tied up with these needs.

Module 3: 4 Approaches to life - Which one do you follow?: Reflect on different life philosophies: hedonism (pleasure-seeking), eudaimonia (meaningful purpose), stoicism (acceptance of fate), and existentialism (creating your own meaning) and identify discover which one resonates with you..

Module 4: Happiness Vs. Fulfilment - What are you running after and why?: Distinguish between fleeting happiness and lasting fulfillment. Explore how aligning with your values and purpose leads to a more meaningful life.

Module 5: Ego Vs. Higher Self - Who drives your life: Investigate the battle between ego (self-centered desires) and higher self (aligned with universal values). Cultivate self-awareness and choose consciously who drives your life?

Module 6: Consciousness levels - Where are you vibrating?: Explore different levels of consciousness, from survival mode to enlightenment. Understand how your awareness impacts your experiences and learn the ways to elevate your vibrational frequency..

Module 7: 5 Paths to a Meaningful Life: Explore the paths to meaningful life like purpose-driven work, relationships, personal growth, spirituality, and contributing to a greater cause.

Why I Made This Program?

Years ago, I was at the height of my corporate career—a successful partner in one of the world’s largest accounting firms. By 38, I had achieved what many would consider the ultimate success: power, prestige, and financial stability. Yet, beneath the surface, there was an emptiness that no amount of status or material wealth could fill. Despite the outward appearance of success, a profound sense of unfulfillment lingered, whispering that something was missing. There is life more than what I have experienced here.

Driven by this inner void, I made the bold decision to leave behind the comfort of my high-profile position. The ensuing years were not easy; they were a rigorous and often painful exploration of what truly matters in life. I tried various paths, learned from numerous experiences, and grappled with profound questions about existence and purpose. It took eight years of relentless search and introspection, but I finally uncovered the key to a life of true meaning and fulfillment.

This program, "A Quest for Meaningful Life," is the result of that journey. I created it to spare you from the lengthy and often tumultuous road I traveled. Instead of navigating the labyrinth of existential doubts and trials alone, you can now access a clear and simplified approach to discovering a deeper, more meaningful life. In this course, I will guide you through understanding an alternative version of success, exploring what it means to be truly human, and uncovering five essential paths to a fulfilled life.

I designed this program with the hope that you’ll find what I did—an awakening to a life of genuine purpose and joy. Join me on this quest, and let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

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